
Terms of Service

ChatBawa (“we”) or Bawa is owned and operated by IDC Platforms, FactCheck Initiative and ChatBawa Services (“ChatBawa” or “Bawa”). Bawa is an automated chat machine that provides human-like interaction and a personalised experience in various languages. In order to successfully use our service, you have to abide by certain Terms and Conditions. ChatBawa developed by IDC Platforms for ChatBawa Services.

These Terms govern all of our services especially if you are patronising us online. The terms govern the use of Bawa Chatbot (ChatBawa). By using the ChatBawa, you expressly agree to be bound by the following Terms of Use as well as all applicable regulations that govern the Chatbot.

Note that we reserve the right to alter these Terms at any time without expressly notifying you. Please, do check this page regularly for any updates that may be available. If you violate the Terms of Use, we may terminate your use of our Chatbot and even bar you from future use of the Chatbot. If there is any order at the time, we may cancel the order. We may also take appropriate legal action against you when necessary.


The ChatBawa logos as well as our designs on this Chatbot are registered trademarks of ChatBawa Services. These trademarks may not be used publicly unless with the written permission of ChatBawa Services.

ChatBawa Subscriptions, Fees and Taxes

ChatBawa is free, with the exception of the AskME feature, which provides users with 400 free response words upon accepting the ChatBawa terms of service. After the 400 free words are used up, users will have the option to subscribe to any of the subscription plans in order to continue using the AskME service. The subscription fee and word count are specified on the website and Chatbot.

ChatBawa charges certain Fees, which are proportionate to the use of certain features on the Platform. These Fees includes ChatBawa’s subscription, which may be used by AskME feature of the Chatbot.

All payments made to ChatBawa are non-refundable unless otherwise stated. Before an Account is reinstated after fully serving the terms of its suspension due to a violation of these Terms, we may choose to Charge penalty Fees, for the expenses incurred while battling the consequences of the breach. By proceeding into the Platform and creating an Account, you fully agree to pay these Fees, as at when due. Fees to be paid will be subject to the conditions currently enclosed in existing Terms, and which may mandate that you dutifully pay the Fees owed even if you close you deactivate your account.

All payments will be billed to your credit card or some other payment methods which we may adopt in the future. As far as all applicable law may permit, ChatBawa reserves the right to by all means obtain any overdue payment and costs incurred in the recovery of such payment, especially in a case where your credit card cannot be charged.

Also, you understand and agree that with regards to payments, ChatBawa may remind you or communicate the details to you by phone calls, SMS or email, and this communication may be initiated by ChatBawa or any of its representatives, or third-party billing agents. We are not financial advisers. Hence, we do not offer tax advice to our members; you take the sole responsibility of handling all your tax-related concerns as is expected, or by employing the services of actual tax advisers.


Ownership of Materials

All materials on ChatBawa Bot are copyrighted and are protected under copyright laws. You may not copy, edit, reproduce, transmit, publish, or upload these materials in any format without a written permission from ChatBawa. ChatBawa does not grant you any express right under any of its copyrights, trademarks, or other proprietary information.


As a user of the ChatBawa platform, you are not permitted to use this Bot to unlawfully transmit copyrighted material without a licence express consent, valid Defence or fair use exemption to do so. If, at any time, you have to submit any content to this Chatbot, be it images, articles, software or other copyrightable material, it is your responsibility to be sure that it does not infringe the copyrights or other rights of third parties. If we find out that you have uploaded any content that infringes on a third parties copyrights, we may terminate your rights to use this Chatbot.

Permitted Use

All content and software on the ChatBawa Bot are properties of ChatBawa Services and/or its suppliers and are protected by copyright laws. As a user of this Chatbot, you agree that you are only authorised to visit, view, and retain a copy of pages on this Chatbot for your own personal use. You agree that you shall not download, publish, modify, duplicate or otherwise distribute the materials on this Chatbot for any purpose other than for personal use, to place orders or merchandise, or to review events, restaurants, movies, stores and other promotional information.

Prohibited Content

This is a list of some kinds of content that are prohibited on the ChatBawa Services. More items may be added to this list with time. Prohibited content on the Chatbot include content that:

  • is patently offensive to the online community
  • promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm against any individual or group
  • harasses an individual or group
  • promotes false or misleading information
  • is abusive, threatening, defamatory or obscene
  • contains restricted or password-only access pages
  • displays pornographic or other sexually-explicit material
  • provides instructional information about illegal activities including but not limited to violating someone’s privacy, making or buying illegal weapons or creating and spreading computer viruses

Unauthorised Use of the Bot

Every unauthorised or illegal use of the Bawa Chatbot is totally forbidden. This includes unauthorised food ordering and ticket sales, unauthorised use of any robot, spider, or other automated device on the Chatbot, and unauthorised framing of or linking to the Chatbot. Any unauthorised or illegal use of the Chatbot will be properly investigated, and appropriate legal action such as civil, criminal, and injunctive redress will be taken.



For the sake of continuity of the Platform, the protection of ChatBawa and the users of the Platform, as a user you may not:

  • Make use of another user’s Account, adopt a false identity, qualification or falsely advertise, promote or present the Professional Services, which you may offer through the Platform;
  • Spam your Content on the Platform, or post your Content in categories beyond its enclosure;
  • Make use of any electronic technology, without limitations to robots, scrapers, spiders or any other automated system to extract information or for any other purpose without a prior written approval from ChatBawa; nevertheless, public search engines make use of approved electronic technologies to obtain materials from the Platform for the singular purpose of making the materials publicly available as searchable links, but they may not archive or cache such materials; the extent of these exceptions may be restricted or revoked through the sole discretion of ChatBawa;
  • By any means copy any copyrighted User Content or Platform information, which may include but not limited to graphics, text, and pictures, for use on any other platform or Chatbot;
  • Use any electronic technology to convey message requests in a robotic manner, which may indicate more requests than a human can reasonably transmit within a specified period while using a conventional browser;
  • Act in a way that will jeopardize or inhibit the framework of the Platform or its affiliated third-party; hack or bypass the protocols used in protecting and restricting access to the Platform; use the Platform in a manner that breaches any ChatBawa, third-party, privacy or publicity rights; introduce and spread malware or viruses that may harm ChatBawa or users of the Platform;
  • Bypass or evade Fees or bills owed, or as a Service Member evade your monetary commitment to ChatBawa;
  • Obtain or extract any profile information from the Platform, or use the Platform’s communication structure in a way that is not authorized by these Terms;
  • Solicit for funds from, recruit or make contact with Service Members or Customer Member under the guise of an ChatBawa representative or agent;
  • Act contrary to or violate these Terms, key ChatBawa policies and all applicable laws, by using the Platform as otherwise stated, or submitting Content on or through the Platform that is meant to incite hatred, tribalism, religious crisis, illegal, explicit, libelous, intolerant, or hostile against or amongst the users of the Platform, the public or any other third party;
  • Tender a quote for a Professional Service you do not provide, or lobby or promote a Professional Service that is considered as a competitor of the services provided by ChatBawa that; offers services for provision of rental space, loans, directories (email, phone numbers, account profiles etc.); promotes any form of social or professional events; is a Content that encourage, endorse or offer shady services and schemes including but not limited to multilevel marketing, email lists, spam, games of chance, Ponzi schemes, online surveys, and other financial marketing schemes; is not based in Nigeria;
  • Make available, a User Content that wrongly interferes with user experience on the Platform without limitations to; advertising a service that you do not offer, or a service that is not offered on the Platform; posting links that redirect users to mirrored Chatbot or requesting users to download non-ChatBawa mobile applications;
  • Act in a manner that may manipulate or jeopardize the accuracy of rating system or the assessment structure of the Platform;
  • Decline or fail to execute Professional Services after you may have concluded negotiations with a Customer Member, lest the Customer Member did not meet up with the terms of the agreement or both parties arrive at a new agreement to cancel out;
  • Extort money through any means from the users of the Platform or initiate the use of payment methods prohibited by ChatBawa;
  • Go into the process of negotiating the terms of an agreement for a Professional Service you do not intend to pay for or which you do not wish to adhere to the requirements stated by the Service Member;
  • Partake in or initiate any form of activity that does not represent or which misinterprets the visions of ChatBawa and the Platform; and
  • Intentionally engage in or attempt to assume any of those mentioned above.

Disputes between or among Users

While reiterating that we do not assume liabilities that may arise from mistakes made by Service Members and Customer Members, we understand that situations may exist where a misunderstanding may come up between users of the Platform. We try our best to ensure that a peaceful atmosphere is maintained on the Platform. Hence, if a situation may arise where members involved in disagreement are unable to settle the issue at hand amicably, ChatBawa may upon request mediate between both parties, or appoint a neutral third party arbitrator to help resolve the dispute. Otherwise, we are not obliged to come between or settle disputes between users of the Platform.


In a case that you may send us any feedback, or declare your intentions to know about us or services which we provide; or you wish to make comments or suggestions about us or the services that we provide on the Platform, you agree that the feedback which by applicable laws you must have the rights to disclose does not integrate or trespass on the rights, trade secrets, confidence of any other individual or group. You also understand and agree; that by so doing that we bear no obligation to you by any means, with regards to the feedback you may have sent; that the contents of your feedback or something similar may have been under our consideration before you sent the feedback; that you expressly grant us a non-exclusive right to use the contents of the feedback as we may, for redistributing, publishing and sublicensing the feedback; and also the rights to take into action the process of waiving any implications of the feedback against ChatBawa or its users.

Governing Law

All matter of concerns between you and ChatBawa shall be bound within the limits of the laws instituted by the Federal Republic of Nigeria. You understand and agree that any claims or dispute you may have against ChatBawa that may not be resolved by arbitration must be settled by a court located in Abuja, Lagos or Port Harcourt unless we agree to do otherwise. You as a result of this withdraw all your rights to all jurisdictional or venue defences that may be able.



By accessing and making use of the platform or any feature integrated therein, you understand and agree that you continue at your own risk and that ChatBawa is not obliged to you by any means, but for any reason, we reserve the right to:

  • Supervise, review or monitor user account and content
  • Follow the due process by permissible laws and reasons to verify the identity of certain members of the Platform, conduct any and all forms of background checks as we may deem fit.

The Platform and all that is featured therein are provided “as is,” and none of any or all its parts implies or expresses any form of the warranty supplied by ChatBawa. ChatBawa and all its recognized associates disclaim any warranty which an individual or group of individuals may state to have been implied by ChatBawa, any of or all of its parts, for any extent for which a service is provided on or through the Platform and all concerns for which the Platform is used. ChatBawa does not in any way give a warranty that the Platform or the services provided therein will be to your satisfaction, or perpetually available without any glitch. ChatBawa shall not be held responsible for any damages to your computer or mobile device as a result of your access or use of the Platform. ChatBawa shall not be held responsible for any form of harmful act conducted by a user against the other. Any advice, suggestion or information provided or obtained from ChatBawa shall for any received be perceived as a warranty from ChatBawa, unless as expressed herein. You solely undertake the full responsibility for any consequence that may arise from the use of the Platform, your interaction with other users of the Platform including but not limited to third parties and Members of the Platform. You understand and agree that ChatBawa does not in any way, and will not endorse any member, or Professional Service provided on or through the Platform. You understand and agree to take all necessary precautions while dealing or interacting with any person on or through the Platform, especially in a case that you may decide to meet in person to exchange Professional Services. ChatBawa, by all means, disclaims any and all liabilities that may arise from an action or omission of any member, users or third parties.

For iReport and MySuggestion features; Please keep in mind that we only forward your report to appropriate agencies; we cannot guarantee a response or solution from them, and we cannot be held liable for any issue, mistake, delay, or other reason resulting from using this WhatsApp chatbot to send any information.

For Self-Assessment features; Please keep in mind that this is not a medical assessment and that we are not affiliated with any agency or medical services. If you have severe symptoms, seek medical attention or dial your country’s emergency number. This service is not a substitute for talking with your doctor.

ChatBawa is not responsible for fact-checking any responses provided by GPT-3.5 or 4. Users are responsible for using and relying on the information provided by OpenAI and any other third-party services at their own risk.

ChatBawa is not liable for any downtimes that the OpenAI GPT-3.5 or 4 or any other third-party services may experience. Users understand that there may be times when the service is unavailable due to OpenAI downtime. Such downtime will not result in a refund.


Offline Conduct

You are not allowed to use any information obtained from this Chatbot to harass, abuse or harm another person, even offline. It is also a violation of ChatBawa’s rules for you to use information obtained from the Chatbot to advertise to, solicit, or sell to any user without their prior explicit content.

Violation of the Terms

By using this Chatbot, you understand and agree that ChatBawa reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate your access to the Chatbot, cancel your order or take whatever other action is necessary if the company believes that you have violated any of the terms of use of this Chatbot. You also agree that monetary damages may not sufficiently remedy your violation of these terms and conditions, and you consent to injunctive or other equitable relief for such violations. ChatBawa may release user information about you when necessary, that is, if required by law or subpoena, or if the information is required or necessary to release in order to address an unlawful act. If your access to this Chatbot is terminated or if you are terminated as a user of ChatBawa’s services because you have violated these Terms and Conditions, the company is not required to provide any refund to you.